Stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc.
If you suffer from stress, anxiety, anguish, insomnia, etc., psycho-naturopathy can help you overcome these conditions, either from a purely physical point of view, from a psychic one, or from a global vision that uses both disciplines to heal.
A brief bit of context:
Stress is considered by many experts to be the disease with the greatest current impact. It is caused by a relationship between the person and the environment in which the subject perceives how much the demands of the environment constitute a danger to his or her well-being, and whether they exceed or equal his or her resources to deal with them.
Its consequences can include a wide range of conditions and diseases, such as lowered defenses, skin and hair problems, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even depression and/or memory loss, among many others. The symptoms of stress, if it becomes chronic, can affect your body and emotions, and often even modify your behavior.
Anxiety on the other hand can manifest itself in various forms:
Restlessness, anguish, sensation of danger or threat, desire to flee or attack, insecurity, jealousy, distrust, difficulty in making decisions.
From the physical point of view, there may be tremors, shaking or restlessness, muscle tension or pain, symptoms of hyperactivity, choking sensation, palpitations or tachycardia, sweating or cold and clammy hands, dry mouth, nausea, intestinal problems, chills, feeling of lump in the throat and difficulty swallowing. Also symptoms of hypersensitivity, such as sleeping difficulties, irritability, etc.
Anguish, meanwhile, has an immobilizing effect and is defined as a complex, diffuse and unpleasant emotion that also has psychological and organic consequences. It is a feeling linked to situations of desperation, in which the subject loses the ability to act voluntarily and freely.
Insomnia can be due to physical or psychological reasons, and can also be a consequence of stress or anxiety.